DNC Leaks will backfire for Russians if party takes action because as Open Gov advocates say, “Sunlight is the best disinfectant”
#1 it is very simple now, following the leaks of rampant email communications inside the DNC of anti-Sanders rhetoric, Debbie Wasserman Schultz needs to resign after the convention Friday. Since she has a primary opponent to worry about it is in everyone’s best interest….DNC Vice Chair Donna Brazile would be a popular interim replacement.
She already has her hands full because of her poor leadership of the party and even in her district so she is not capable of fulfilling her duties any longer. The weekend-heavy debate schedule that transparently attempted for the candidates to avoid the media spotlights is grounds alone to determine she has no understanding of the democratic process and how a “democratic” party should grow.
#2 Somebody should tell Hillary Campaign Manager Robby Mook that the correct response when you hear about official dnc email exchanges questioning someone’s religon etc. that the correct answer isn’t “the DNC should take action” then skip to complaining about Russian hackers.
The correct response it is “we don’t support ANY conversation within official DNC communications that disparages a Democrat for his religon or any other reason”
I actually want to thank the Russians for not understanding the popular open government phrase….”Sunlight is the best Disinfectant.” The sooner we can expose the nature of the systemic problems at the DNC the better and hopefully we can find replacements for these individuals ASAP.