FWD BLOG: President Biden’s Call To Action on the Anniversary of D-Day

Forward Progressive
3 min readJun 7, 2024


On June 6th, President Biden gave a moving address at Normandy, France on the 80th Anniversary of D-Day where he issued a stirring Call To Action for our generation.

He spoke about the courage and sacrifice of the millions of soldiers and Americans from all walks of life who helped liberate Europe overseas and saved Freedom and Democracy for people around the world.

President Biden also discussed how we need to carry the torch in 2024 as well. There are still tyrants who want to challenge the peaceful order that the United States took the lead on building after World War II which led to the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization that now hails 32 nations with the recent addition of Finland and Sweden.

That is why President Biden said it is so critical that we support our allies like Ukraine in its fight to defend its existence against Vladimir Putin as the UN Charter clearly states that no aggressor should be allowed to take over another country by force.

As we learned years ago, if we don’t stand up to tyranny it won’t relent and Vladimir Putin is proof positive of that fact. The world will become more dangerous if we don’t act but the good news is at this moment we can still do so without American troops on the ground.

And after the Cold War ended, Ukraine agreed to give up its Soviet-era nuclear weapons in exchange for security guarantees from the United States, United Kingdom and Russia. Ukraine even participated in our coalition after 9/11 even though it was not a member of NATO.

That’s why the United States is part of a coalition of over 50 nations and millions of Americans, many of whom have family and friends overseas, support the cause as well.

One of the most touching moments of today’s ceremonies that told the story of how our generations are linked was a World War II Veteran shaking hands with President Zelenskyy and them both saying “You’re my hero.” (watch the clip here)

Now, lets join President Biden’s Call to Action to defend Freedom and Democracy at home and abroad by defeating convicted felon Donald Trump who has disparaged our veterans. As you may know, Trump recently said he is fine with Russia doing “whatever the hell they want” to our allies as his “America First/America Alone” ideology is all about caring about ME not US.

Even though my focus has been on democratic politics for the past two decades, I joined the American Coalition For Ukraine and became an active member of the Ukrainian-American advocacy community after Russia’s full-scale invasion to contribute least a small part to the fight for Freedom and Democracy to help President Biden stop the radical MAGA Agenda from taking over the world.

After Ukraine Aid was passed in April it one of my proudest moments and reminded me why the United States remains the leader of the free world.



Forward Progressive

Jim McBride is a former VA Dems Chair Candidate and Founder of Blue Victory War Room and “Keep Virginia Blue” War Room briefings on events.democrats.org.